How Long Does a Dental Sealant Procedure Take?
It takes just a minute or two to place a sealant on a single tooth. Some patients might take a bit longer than others due to various factors including age, cooperation, and saliva flow.
Since sealants are a preventative procedure, they don’t require anesthesia. Your Long Beach dentist simply cleans the pits and fissures of the teeth, rinses, isolates the teeth, places the sealant material, and light cures it so it hardens.
Patients can eat and drink and return to school or other activities right after the procedure.
How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?
Dental sealants in Long Beach can often last between five to 10 years if they’re taken care of with regular, proper brushing, and avoiding overly acidic or sugary foods.
If you have sealants, your dentist will check them during each appointment to make sure they’re still intact and functioning well. If necessary, your Long Beach dentist can easily replace a sealant.